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I Have a Dream - The Heritage of Words - Class: 12

I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King.Jr

About the text
"I have a dream" is a political speech made by Martin Luther king. jr. after the independence of black people. Martin Luther forwards the history of America, the problems faced by black people, suggestions to his followers, warning to the government and his wishes. He describes apartheid (discrimination on the basis of color) as the extreme point of human cruelty, and demands for its end.
America was the colony of Great Britain before 1776. When it was declared independent, both black and white people had expected for their freedom and happiness. As expected, white people got access over then whereas black people didn't. They were discriminated and pushed to slums. They were not allowed to travel by any vehicle. Indeed, they had to spend the life of great difficulty. This condition created dissatisfaction among the blacks and they wanted to get civil rights. Martin Luther's speech also represents this sentiment and problems faced by black people:
The Blacks, like the whites, had expected that their situation would change after independence of America. But it did not happen. Even after the independence, the hope of black people was not materialized, they got neither freedom nor happiness. "The cheque" given to black people was not cashed; it was returned back with the mark insufficient fund, so their condition remained the same. They were not allowed to travel by public vehicle; they were not allowed shelter in any motels; indeed they were not given any rights.
Problems faced by black people:
The blacks, likes the whites had expected that their situation would change after independence of American. But it did not happen even after the independence. The hope of black people was not materialized. They got neither freedom nor happiness. "The cheque" given to black people was not cashed; it was returned black with the mark insufficient fund so their condition remained the same they were not allowed to travel by any public vehicle; they were not allowed shelter in any motels; indeed they were not given any right.
Suggestions to his followers:
The present time, according to Martin Luther is the time to rise from the path of segregation to the path of racial justice. As it is the demand of time, no one should try to block the revolt of the blacks for their rights. The revolt would continue unless and until the demands are fulfilled. However, he advises that any means of violence should not be applied. He advised his followers to follow the path of non-violence. He further advised them to use their strength in creative works.
Warning to the government and his wishes
He advises his followers to follow on the path of peace. At the same time, he warns the government that there would not be peace if laws are not practiced accordingly, their movement would shake the foundation of the nation; he wishes for the end of apartheid. He desires for the oasis of freedom in place of bondage. He dreams that the children would not be judged on the basis of their color rather they would be judged on the basis of their intelligence. More over, he wishes for the prosperity of both black and white for the prosperity of nation.
Some of the dreams made by Jr. Martin Luther King in his speech “I HAVE A DREAM”:
1.He had a dream that one day his nation will rise up and live out with the true meaning of its creed holding the equality of all people living in U.S.
2. He had a dream that one day on the hills of Georgia the sons of farmer, slaves(Blacks) and the sons of former slave owners (Whites) will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood.
3. He had a dream that any children of any color will not be judged on the basis of their color of their skin but by their content or the caliber.
4. He had a dream that every individual will get equal voting rights including their citizenship rights equally in every States.
5. He had a dream that none of the Americans will be judged just by staying in the Ghettos or skyscrapers.
6. He had a dream that any state of U.S will be beyond injustice and oppression but will be transformed into an Oasis of freedom and justice.
7. He had dream that all above situations will be favorable and realistic where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and work together as sister and brothers.

Q. What is the real dream of Martin Luther King about the future of America? [2065-5]
In this speech, M. L. King has the vision of equality and justice. He wants a new America in its social makeup, establish symphony of brotherhood among blacks and whites, and eradicate the discriminatory treatment of black Americans. His dream is deeply rooted in the American dream of 'life, liberty and pursuit of happiness'. He dreams that one day blacks and whites will stay in the USA as like brother and sister, For the development of America the must be united.
Q. What is Martin Luther complaining about? [2063-5]
            In this Speech M.L. King is complaining about the exploitation and discrimination over blacks in the USA. He complains that though the constitution of the USA has given equal rights for both races bur the blacks were not free in society. Freedom was only on the pages of constitutions but not on practice. The police were torturing the blacks without reasons. The hotels had the boards only for whites. Blacks were taken not as man but as animals. So he is complaining for real freedom in the USA.

Q What is the dream Martin Luther King, Jr. has? How is he going to achieve it? [2061-10]
=              Martin Luther King, a black civil right campaigner, delivered an unforgettable speech " I Have a Dream" on August 28, 1963 commemorating the centennial of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. In this speech he presses for equal treatment and improved circumstances for blacks, and stresses on the necessity of eradicating institutional racial inequalities. King expresses sharp dissatisfaction over segregation and racial discrimination. He demands a fast end to racial discrimination, pledging his followers to a fight to the finish to wipe out all forms of segregation and to achieve equality and integration. However, he is in favour of creative and disciplined protest without physical violence. In his speech he even appeals the Whites to join hands with Blacks in order to revolt against discriminatory practices against Blacks. He does not show hatred against Whites, he is against color discrimination and racial prejudice.
                He is a dreamer with the vision of equality and justice. He wants a new America in its social makeup, establish symphony of brotherhood among blacks and whites, and eradicate the discriminatory treatment of black Americans. His dream is deeply rooted in the American dream of 'life, liberty and pursuit of happiness'.
He voices that even after hundred years of passing of Emancipation Proclamation by Lincoln, America stands as the hell to the blacks. Blacks are exiled in their own country and live in poverty in the vast ocean of material prosperity.
He also mentions the words of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence which guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But these magnificent words were not applied into practice in case of colored citizens. He demands the riches of freedom, security of justice, and citizenship rights to the blacks. He argues that the policy of gradualism in the matter of justice will raise discontent among blacks.
Credential: Dr. Ramesh Adhikari

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